I work at Google Mountain View on scalable, efficient, and robust machine learning systems.
Previously, I received a Ph.D in Computer Sicence from Carnegie Mellon University. My advisor is Professor Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Satya). I worked on Elijah (cloudlet-based edge computing) and Eureka (interactive analysis of image and video data).
Before CMU, I received M.Phil and B.S in Computing from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where I researched architecture-conscious databases with Professor Eric Lo (now at CUHK).
I am one of the eight recipients of the Croucher Foundation Doctoral Scholarship in 2017.
Other awards: Student Travel Grant x {SIGMOD’15, ICDE’15, SEC’18}; Winner of Siemens FutureMaker Challenge’18 (team); Entrance Undergraduate Full Scholarhip @ HK PolyU
com.google@zqfeng :Email